Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi - Episode 2 discussion


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Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi, episode 2​

Alternative names: Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!

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Asides from the romantic antics and guidance, there's a couple more Hokkaido-related information with this episode.

The Kitami Winter Festival (official source for 2024 in this link) is held annually in the 2nd week of February (English reference sources: Wikipedia and Japan.Travel). For 2024, it falls under February 10th & 11th. Aside from the sugared corn dogs, yakitori (skewered chicken), and hot amazake (fermented rice drink, most likely the non-alcoholic kind), the slideshow of attractions does give an overview on what to expect there.

There was also a mention of the Sapporo Snow Festival as well (official source for 2024 in this link). Their event duration is from February 4th to 11th. There isn't much to state since it's not really delved into this episode.

Interestingly, the yakisoba bento is shown to be from the company, Toyo Suisan. The company's current headquarters is in Japan (according to the wiki), but does produce this specific hokkaido band yakibento (details on an experience eating it is also shown from this livejapan article). Using the hot water as broth once it's done heating up is a resourceful choice to minimize waste.