Discord Media Embed


New member
This post is for people wondering how to embed a media posted on Mastodon to Discord. As of right now, sakurajima.moe does not embed media on Discord by default.

A work-around to it is to use FxMastodon. Just like other similar Discord URL embedding, you'd only have to add a prefix to the URL. In this case, add fxmas.to/ prefix.

For example, I have a Mastodon URL
To make this embed in Discord, you add the fxmas.to/ prefix
And voila!
This method works for sakurajima.social too! Simply pass in the fxmas.to/ to the URL just like above. Example URL: https://fxmas.to/sakurajima.social/notes/9zeh0z6b99
sakurajima.social can embed by default though, so this is probably something you wouldn't ever worry about.