Metallic Rouge - Episode 1 discussion


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Metallic Rouge, episode 1​

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Went in completely blind without reading the synopsis. I wasn't too surprised on how androids (which are called Neans in that world) were treated as [disposable] second class citizens in Mars.

What did catch me off guard is how well Giallon felt like he played the joker character well. I felt like he both mislead and direct the viewers, security, as well as Sarah for his own amusement.

Something that felt subtle is how Rouge asks who that figure that looks like Metal Rouge is on the news blimp, despite her being Metal Rouge. This could mean that she knew she hadn't done that particular activity at the time, and was framed for it (while being nonchalant about the news). Naomi already knew who that figure was, given her dead robobird followed it.

Dr. Roy Junghardt sounds like an important name later on as well, especially when he is a researcher of the Nean research lab.

Something that peeks my curiosity is the question of what did Rouge do to Sarah's clear, spherical heart (?).. Having a moment zooming in with its barcode feels like it's something that might be explained later on. It also makes me wonder about the other two of the immortal nines, Nius and Achillus, and their defeats.

I resonate with Rogue's chocolate though. She has been seen eating in 3 instances in this episode (during Sarah's performance, during Naomi's meetup, and at the end to the next location)