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  1. Hika

    Profile Page Navigation editable?

    Is there a way to edit the profile page navigation bar up top? My personal navigation bar is editable but not the one on my profile (public view). I want to move "Gallery" up next to Overview or something. If not, is there a way to show the navigation bar better? I noticed on mobile I can swipe...
  2. Hika

    Does alt text/editing an image post break the post for anyone else?

    I added alt text to an image after posting on Sharkey, then the post was just alt text across elk, mastodon, etc. I haven't tested adding alt text BEFORE posting to see if I can't view the image through mastodon. Was wondering if this was just me or if anyone else noticed it too.
  3. Hika

    Need a little extra help enabling blog to work with Fediverse

    Hello, I am following this: I've installed the 3 plugins and aren't sure what else to do. When I try to search me up at I don't know up. Do I have to do the additional steps listed in W3 Total...
  4. Hika

    Who are your favorites?

    I never really paid that much attention to seiyuu but within the past year I've started playing a lot more otome games and I'm seeing familiar voices pop up again and again (My favorite character from One Punch Man is Genos and his voice actor, Kaito Ishikawa, keeps showing up again and again...
  5. Hika

    What are you currently watching?

    My sister and I have been doing anime nights weekly and currently we are watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood since I had never finished the manga or the first anime run (with the original anime ending). We might watch Death Note next. I'm also watching Code Geass and Vinland Saga with...