With Yoshino Garden, you may bring your domain over for free. This will replace your old subdomain, and will redirect to your new domain.
If you need a domain, you can get one through NameSilo or other reputable domain registrars.
Once you got your domain, create a CName record with the following:
Host Name: @
Type: CName
CName: yoshino.garden
TTL: 3600
If you are on the Fediverse, send a direct message to @chikorita157@sakurajima.moe. If not, send an email to sakurajimamastodon@joinsakurajima.org with the subject: Yoshino Garden: Domain Mapping.
Provide your new domain and your subdomain. Make sure you configured your domain as shown above. You will receive a message when the process is complete and your new domain is configured.
If you need a domain, you can get one through NameSilo or other reputable domain registrars.
Once you got your domain, create a CName record with the following:
Host Name: @
Type: CName
CName: yoshino.garden
TTL: 3600
If you are on the Fediverse, send a direct message to @chikorita157@sakurajima.moe. If not, send an email to sakurajimamastodon@joinsakurajima.org with the subject: Yoshino Garden: Domain Mapping.
Provide your new domain and your subdomain. Make sure you configured your domain as shown above. You will receive a message when the process is complete and your new domain is configured.