How to *practice* Kana so it sticks


New member
I asked @chikorita157 about this already, but I thought I'd throw it out here again. Anyone sitting on good ways to really burn those dang kana into your memory? I got this link as a suggestiong ( which I will indeed try out, but that said Mnemonics and me aren't friend. But I will give anything a go at this point.

Big bonus points if it's *not* from the point of view on an English speaker (or any other language speaker). I was never a fan of learning languages by translating, I find that it messes things up and gives you an odd idea of what words actually mean. I have managed to learn one extra language in the past, so it must be possible:) (English)
I asked @chikorita157 about this already, but I thought I'd throw it out here again. Anyone sitting on good ways to really burn those dang kana into your memory? I got this link as a suggestiong ( which I will indeed try out, but that said Mnemonics and me aren't friend. But I will give anything a go at this point.

Big bonus points if it's *not* from the point of view on an English speaker (or any other language speaker). I was never a fan of learning languages by translating, I find that it messes things up and gives you an odd idea of what words actually mean. I have managed to learn one extra language in the past, so it must be possible:) (English)
There are other methods as well, here is what I also found.

I personally used Remembering the Kana, which also use mnemoics as well. You can just brute force it by using Anki as there are flash card decks for Hiragana and Katakana.
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Personally, I just grinded this site for like a week until I felt comfortable with them. I found that they really got ingrained as I started learning other things, since you just have to use them all the time.
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